

正在寻找一种快速完成学业的方法? 哈特大学提供了许多选择,可以在更短的时间内获得学士和硕士学位. We also offer dual-degree programs that give you the opportunity to earn two degrees or certifications in one program.

Accelerated Programs

For High School Students

哈特预备学院 is a two-year, comprehensive pre-college music training program for high school juniors and seniors with the goal of attending The Hartt School for an accelerated Bachelor of Music degree. Learn more

Barney School of Business

  • 巴尼3+1计划-结合BS/MBA获得本科学位和工商管理硕士学位 four years! Choose from one of seven undergraduate majors and complete the coursework for a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in just three years. 加快时间表,包括夏季和冬季课程. 然后,立即进入会计和税务专业的全日制MBA或硕士课程.

College of Arts and Sciences

  • 生物学学士/药学博士:与圣约瑟夫大学药学院合作, UHart提供生物学学士学位和药学博士学位 six years. 一旦你被圣约瑟夫学院的药学专业录取, you complete requirements for the BS in Biology at Saint Joseph’s during your senior year and begin your pharmacy coursework.

  • 加速心理学学士/组织心理学硕士你可以获得心理学的文学学士学位和理学硕士学位 five years if you have demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence and know by your junior year that you wish to pursue a master's degree in organizational psychology.

  • 传播学学士/硕士(4+1): This program enables students to complete both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Communication in five years. This program is designed for exceptional undergraduate students who have demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence and who know in their junior year that they wish to pursue a master’s degree.
  • Accelerated 3+1 BA in English and MBA program is offered. 你在文理学院上本科英语课, 以及哈特大学巴尼商学院的工商管理硕士学位. This accelerated program allows you to finish both degrees in the same time it would normally take to finish one, and at a reduced cost. 联络教授兼英语与现代语言系系主任Bryan Sinche
  • Accelerated 3+1 BA in Mathematics and MS in Business Analytics program is offered. 你在文理学院修数学本科课程, 以及哈特大学巴尼商学院(Barney School of business)的研究生商业分析要求. This accelerated program allows you to finish both degrees in the same time it would normally take to finish one, and at a reduced cost. Contact Professor and Department of Mathematics Department Chair Fei Xue for more information at


  • 速成教育4+1项目在幼儿阶段获得学士学位, elementary, 或综合特殊教育和特殊教育硕士学位 five years in the 4+1 programs. Connecticut and many other states require teachers to complete a master's degree in order to maintain their teaching certification, 拥有硕士学位的教师通常会获得更高的薪水.
  • 运动科学学士/物理治疗博士(DPT): 我们的综合学士/DPT计划有一个选项,以加速你的本科学位在我们的 3+3 program 包括6个学期(3年)和两个全日制暑假. 然后你将进入3年全日制DPT课程.
  • 健康科学学士/职业治疗硕士: The combined BS/MSOT is a five-year program. Students complete the requirements for the bachelor’s degree and begin the professional program in the fourth year, 在第五年结束前完成硕士学位.
  • 健康科学/脊椎按摩学预科学士: The combined Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Chiropractic (BS/DC) program between the University of Hartford and New York Chiropractic College offers an accelerated program that typically allows for the completion of the BS/DC degrees in a six-and-1/3-year period.
  • 健康科学/预验光学士学位: The combined Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Optometry (BS/OD) program between the University of Hartford and the New England College of Optometry offers an accelerated program that typically allows for the completion of the BS/OD degrees in a seven-year period.
  • 健康科学/药剂学预科学士: The combined Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Pharmacy (BS/PharmD) program between the University of Hartford and the Notre Dame of Maryland University School of Pharmacy offers an accelerated program that typically allows for the completion of the BS/PharmD degrees in a seven-year period.
  • 健康科学/足病预科学士学位: The combined Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (BS/DPM) program between the University of Hartford and New York College of Podiatric Medicine offers an accelerated program that typically allows for the completion of the BS/DPM degrees in a seven-year period.


为了进入这个项目,学生必须达到3分.大三期末累计平均绩点0分(低于3分).(将按个别情况考虑). Contact Laurie Granstrand to learn more.
Track 1 is a 48-credit, 3-semester, 全日制课程通常在12个月内(夏季)完成, fall, spring). This program is only available to qualified students in the University of Hartford undergraduate pre-professional architecture program. 学生在完成本科学位要求后立即开始学习.



  • 综合基础/特殊教育学士学位 - This program allows students to earn two Connecticut teaching certifications in four years - elementary education (grades 1-6) and special education (K-12). 双重认证为学生提供了更多的职业选择.
  • BS in Radiologic Technology - Students earn their professional credential in radiography and have the option to earn a second credential in advanced imaging during their senior year - sonography, CT or MRI.  


CETA提供完成以下双学位的五年计划. 感兴趣的学生应该联系他们的学术顾问讨论这个选择.


  • 建筑学硕士/工商管理硕士(MBA)这是巴尼商学院和工程学院的合作, Technology, and Architecture (CETA) provides a broader focus for architecture professionals moving into management and leadership tracks.
  • Dual Master of Science in Organizational Psychology(MSOP)/Master of Business Administration (MBA): 这个60学分的项目比你单独攻读两个学位少12个学分. You will pair an increased business acumen with an in-depth knowledge of people in organizations. This program helps you understand the research and data processes that support and drive best practices in organizations, and connects you with high-quality faculty and alumni networks in both the Barney School of Business and the College of Arts and Sciences. 
  • 工程硕士/工商管理硕士双学位: 这是巴尼商学院和工程学院的合作, Technology, and Architecture provides a broader focus for engineers moving into management and leadership tracks. The program requires a total of 60 credits – that’s 6 fewer credits than if you pursued the degrees separately.
  • 工商管理硕士和会计与税务理学硕士(MBA/MSAT): The dual MBA/MSAT program is for those without a business undergraduate degree who wish to fulfill the requirements to become a CPA. It is also aimed at those working in a corporate environment who would benefit from having a specialized degree in accounting and an MBA. Applicants must have an undergraduate degree in accounting or take the equivalent accounting courses. You can take those courses as part of the degree program or as an  accounting certificate prior to enrolling in the MSAT/MBA.