The Hartt School

Music Vocal Performance

At a Glance

技巧和音乐是声乐研究的重点. Our courses of study includes private voice lessons, coachings, vocal pedagogy, language and diction study, opera stagecraft, and our invigorating core music curriculum.


At Hartt, growth in technique and musicianship, guided by distinguished faculty, is the focus of vocal study. 我们丰富的本科和研究生课程包括私人声乐课程, coachings, vocal pedagogy, language and diction study, opera stagecraft, and our invigorating core music curriculum.


Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Music
  • Undergraduate Diploma
  • Master of Music in Vocal Performance
  • Master of Music in Choral Conducting
  • Graduate Professional Diploma
  • Doctor of Musical Arts in Vocal Performance
  • Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting
  • Artist Diploma

Choral singing, opera singing, 独奏演唱是构成哈特声乐课程基础的经典表演机会. By balancing these, Hartt prepares vocal students for the next step, which could be a graduate degree, private teaching, or a performance career.

所有声乐学生都与哈特学院杰出的声乐教师私下学习, working on technique and repertoire. 一年级和二年级的学生每周都要参加哈特声乐教练团队的声乐研讨会. The work put into private practice, weekly coachings and seminars, 声乐课程在本科独奏系列的表演中达到高潮, fully staged operas, and choir concerts.

声乐表演硕士课程为成熟的学生提供先进的声乐训练和学术研究,为成为专业表演者和教师做准备.  这种训练的核心是强化的私人声乐学习, private coaching, language, lyric diction including comparative diction, invigorating academic classes, 研究生声乐研讨会和合唱和管弦乐音乐会的独奏机会. 研究生声乐研讨会的重点是准备专业前歌手为青年艺术家计划试镜, operas,and oratorio concerts, 每年还参加两次研究生独奏会. 

哈特的研究生水平文凭课程旨在为新兴的专业独奏家提供高级声乐学习,以进一步实现他们在声乐表演艺术方面的职业目标. 该培训计划的核心是针对音乐会独奏者的密集声乐和语言学习, chamber music, opera, and oratorio. The curriculum includes intensive private vocal study, private coaching, languages, lyric and comparative diction, 研究生声乐研讨会和合唱和管弦乐音乐会的独奏机会. 研究生声乐研讨会的重点是准备专业前歌手为青年艺术家计划试镜, operas,and oratorio concerts, 每年还参加两次研究生独奏会. 该课程的学术要求较低,使学生能够完全专注于声乐表演.

音乐艺术博士学位课程旨在培养完整的音乐家, 强调最高水平的音乐修养和实用的学术洞察力. 每门课程都旨在为各自的候选人在最高水平的职业生涯中做好准备, teaching, or composition.

研究生可以继续攻读合唱指挥的硕士或博士学位. 这两个项目提供严格的培训,包括私人指导课程, languages and diction, voice study, musicianship, score reading and preparation, performance practice, 以及一系列的学术研究,为合唱指挥在社区的指挥和教学生涯做好准备, school, and university settings. 学生与哈特合唱团密切合作,两个学位课程都要求合唱表演作为课程的一部分.



Audition Requirements

所有声乐试镜均免费提供伴奏. 所有的音乐都应该编排好,这样伴奏者在处理材料时就不会感到困难. 单张纸应背靠背地放在活页笔记本上, however original sheet music is preferred. 以下是表演专业和非表演专业的要求.

学生应准备三(3)声乐文学的选择, which may include art songs, oratorio, opera, and classical music theatre*. All selections will be performed by memory, and should include at least 2 languages, one of which should be English. 

*古典音乐剧包括所有可以用声音表演的作品, and which require classical vocal training.

申请人必须准备五(5)个选择,包括四(4)种语言,one of which must be English, and three (3) stylistic periods. 可选曲目包括艺术歌曲、清唱剧、歌剧和古典音乐剧*. 

*古典音乐剧包括所有可以用声音表演的作品, and which require classical vocal training. 

所有申请者必须准备一个完整长度的独奏会(大约45分钟的音乐), 用至少四(4)种语言表现至少三(3)个风格时期, one of which must be English.

  • 试镜应包括歌剧咏叹调和清唱剧咏叹调.
  • 翻译和项目说明应上传到您的在线申请作品集.  委员会将从提交的材料中进行选择.

Performance Opportunities

Vocal student performing
由25 ~ 30人组成的演唱各种女声音乐的女声合唱团, both a capella and accompanied repertoire. 合唱团偶尔也会与其他合唱团联合演出重要的合唱作品.
哈特室内合唱团(由24名歌手组成的高级SATB合唱团)演奏从16世纪复调到当代作品的广泛曲目. 室内合唱团独立演出,并与其他哈特合唱团联合演出. Students are auditioned on the basis of vocal ability, musicianship, stylistic sensitivity, and vocal flexibility.
SATB的混合合唱团,由35至45名歌手组成,每年举行4至6场音乐会,表演从巴洛克时期到现在的各种无伴奏合唱和伴奏曲目. 这个更高级的合唱团单独表演或与室内合唱团联合作为音乐会合唱团.
每年,声乐表演专业的学生除了各种歌剧场景外,还要表演一部完整的歌剧. Hartt's opera productions are designed so that, in performing a variety of operatic repertoire, 学生在学习和准备角色方面有教育经验, learning stagecraft, 并与专业的舞台导演和制作人员合作.

Vocal Studies Faculty

Deborah Lifton
Associate Professor of Voice

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Cherie Caluda
Associate Professor of Voice

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Thomas Cannon
Assistant Professor of Voice

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William Braun
Voice Faculty

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Michelle Murray Fiertek
HCD Director of Music Programs; Voice Faculty
HCD Music

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Lynn Kao
Voice Faculty

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Sondra Kelly
Voice Faculty

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Samuel Martin
Voice Faculty; Director of Vocal Studies

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Lisabeth Miller
Voice Faculty
HCD Music

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Benjamin Rauch
Adjunct Faculty

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Kyle Swann
Voice Faculty

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Eric Trudel
Theater Faculty; Voice Faculty

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Chai-Lun Yueh
Voice Faculty

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Kyle Pfortmiller
Voice Faculty

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Carolina Flores

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